Was Qin’s Death an Accident or was he Framed?
Emperor Qin was a man who was noble to many of his men and servants. He believed in immortality. To achieve this goal he took a liquid that was from the sacred river in China. Little did he know that there was poison him and later on kill him.
Emperor Qin was found lying on his bed, not moving, by his guards yesterday morning. His is now in consideration of what his cause is. He would Drink the tonic liquid before going to bed. Vague to their knowledge the drink was found with a liquid metal that if bad for the body to inhale or consume. People found this in the drink and the servants has said that he made the drink himself because he did not trust anyone with it.
People said he was a smart man by taken over the dynasty with his bare hands. he was a smart an intelligent man and had many smart kids. the one thing at the time he did not know was that he was insane and he buried people alive. he thought that the impossible could happen yo him by drinking a fluid. In the end he passed away like everybody will and people thought he was smart but inside was a crazy man.
Many thought hes was a great man because of what he did for China. He made up a new writing system that everyone use throughout China. He also killed all invaders of foreign countries. He melted the weapons of his enemies into statues and shields for his own men. These accomplishments were not always in favor by some people because they wanted to use there own writing system as well as their own weights and measurements.
Most people believe that he killed himself by an accident by drinking too much poison because he was obsessed with immortality and every night he would try a different drink every night. Emperor Qin died by something that was supposed to keep him living. He was a noble man and he died by an accident because he did it to himself. There was mercury found in the medicine drink he drank every night. In The end everybody dies it is a sad and painful thing to embrace but people have to live with. Nobody can live for ever not even the all mighty Emperor Qin.
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