Tuesday, February 7, 2012

News Article

Emperor Qin Is Dead
11/24/2010 B.C

    Last night the emperor was pronounced dead. The emperor was found on his bed not responding. Guards were baffled when they could not wake up the sleeping king. Nobody knows the reason of his death. Many people suspect it as a suicide. Then there are those people who think it was a homicide. I spoke to many of the emperors servants; many refusing to speak of the Emperor’s death.  However, there were a few servants who spoke to me on what they thought happened to the Great Qin.  This is what they had to say during our interview:

“Do you know what happen to Qin?” I asked.
“It’s so hard I don’t know what happen to him it seems like just yesterday, I started to sharpen his battle gear, but no I don’t know what happen I’m sorry” (weeping).  Replied one elderly man.
“It must be hard to find out that the great emperor has past away.  Have you have known him for a long time?” I asked one young woman.
She told me, “Yes in fact we are cousins”
I told her, “I’m sorry. Thank you for your time, I know it’s hard right now particularly when the whole country is also in shock.”

Thousands and thousands of the country’s population was affected by the whole ordeal of their emperor dying.  Everyone was asking each other, “Who is going to take over?”  After speaking to additional families, individual men and women both young, middle age and older people were distrought and just wanted to stay with their families.    Even the children were greatly affected. Even though many of the people I wanted to interview, they did not want to speak to us for fear of something happening to either themselves or their loved one.   There was one woman, who was brave, I purposely left out her name for fear of something happening to her family.  She said “He just fell down and stop moving, nobody knows 100%, but many people think it was intoxication.” Said my one local witnesses.

It was mayhem outside the emperor’s main palace because many people would pass by his house screaming “I need to live!” Some of his workers were caught giving him drinks every night but they don’t know what they were giving him.  Therefore, did his own servants cause his death, or was it the emperor himself?   At this point no one knows if it was a murder or a suicide or a fatal accident.

From “China Today” - I’m Xian Hong (AKA:  CJ Beck)
Was Qin’s Death an Accident or was he Framed?
    Emperor Qin was a man who was noble to many of his men and servants. He believed in immortality. To achieve this goal he took a liquid that was from the sacred river in China. Little did he know that there was poison him and later on kill him.

    Emperor Qin was found lying on his bed, not moving, by his guards yesterday morning. His is now in consideration of what his cause is. He would Drink the tonic liquid before going to bed. Vague to their knowledge the drink was found with a liquid metal that if bad for the body to inhale or consume. People found this in the drink and the servants has said that he made the drink himself because he did not trust anyone with it.

    People said he was a smart man by taken over the dynasty with his bare hands. he was a smart an intelligent man and had many smart kids. the one thing at the time he did not know was that he was insane and he buried people alive. he thought that the impossible could happen yo him by drinking a fluid. In the end he passed away like everybody will and people thought he was smart but inside was a crazy man.

    Many thought hes was a great man because of what he did for China. He made up a new writing system that everyone use throughout China. He also killed all invaders of foreign countries. He melted the weapons of his enemies into statues  and shields for his own men. These accomplishments were not always in favor by some people because they wanted to use there own writing system as well as their own weights and measurements.

    Most people believe that he killed himself by an accident by drinking too much poison because he was obsessed with immortality and every night he would try a different drink every night. Emperor Qin died by something that was supposed to keep him living. He was a noble man and he died by an accident because he did it to himself. There was mercury found in the medicine drink he drank every night. In The end everybody dies it is a sad and painful thing to embrace but people have to live with. Nobody can live for ever not even the all mighty Emperor Qin.
Day in Life

A Day in Life as Fu Su

By CJ Beck
May/24/2009 B.C

Dear Journal,

    Today is Monday but today is a special day because today I’m going to be crowned the new Emperor of China. I thought i was going to be more happy but I don’t know why but today I just want to lay in my bed. I don’t want want to be king. I don’t know how to hold the responsibilities. To be honest, I’m scared.

May/25/2009 B.C

Dear Journal,

    The death of my father is still the main topic of China. My father “The First Emperor of China”, So what am I,the second emperor of China. People believe that his death was a kill but it was not. My family and I have found out his death was mercury poisoning. I’m not quite sure of what mercury is, but I know that is bad to inhale and consume. He was obsesed with living and wanting to live was what killed him.

May/26/2009 B.C

Dear Journal,

    I am now the new Emperor of China, I need to watch my back because I fell like I have made people unhappy and somebody might try to take my thrown away from me. I fell like the towns people are unsatisfied with the things i don’t have that my father did and now they are going to rise up and kill me. I don feel fear for my life because I’m not doing a good job and he did not do a good job so the farms people are going to get me. In the end I will die like my father but the subject of the matter is everything dies and we cannot control that. I love my dad and some people might disagree and that’s fine and some people be happy because of his death and that’s okay too but the thing is what’s done is one, there’s nothing we can do to take it back. The public still does not know about who his death accrued. Many people think that he killed himself some think it was a murder but only we will know till further notice.

Interview with Fu Su
By Xian Hong (A.K.A. CJ Beck)
Reporting for The Dynasty Tribune

This is Xian Hong (a.k.a CJ Beck) reporting from inside Former Emperor Qin’s palace. Less then one month ago, Emperor Qin passed away, many believe by mercury poisoning. I finally got to speak with his eldest son Fu Su.

Xian Hong:  Fu Su tell me some of your feelings you felt after your father passed away.

Fu Su:  Oh It’s hard. I mean he was an old man and I’m starting to get old too, but he has many children and many of those children are really young. However, there will only be one parent there for them.  My father had appointment me and I am supposed to be the new emperor.  But I’m not that ready for that responsibility right now.  I just want to spend time with my family.

Xian Hong: How close were you with your dad?

Fu Su:  We were really close.  We would go out and hunt chicken, deer and tigers but sometimes we would go out and and just walk around and talk.  Fortunately,  there were many kids he had so I’m lucky he spent as much time with me as he did.  Consequently,  he had over 20 kids and he spend time with all of them, but yes were very close.

Xian Hong: What are some of the things you are going to do as the new emperor.

Fu Su:  I was going to finish what my father started. My main goal is to finish the Great Wall.  It is important to keep the people safe from our enemies.  Also I want to keep on perfecting China by reuniting all of the commonwealths.  Additionally, completing rewriting the laws that he made in a simpler language so all the people can understand what they need to do.

    Xian Hong:  To finish all those tasks that your father started sounds like a big joy.  I only have a few more questions. Do You think his death was an accident, a suicide, or a murder?

    Fu Su:  Oh, we know that his death was an accident. None of the servants would do him any harm.   He was too good to his people, family and friends for any of them to do him any harm.  However, my advisors are looking into everything.  My father always wanted to have immortality, and therefore he would have his generals aways on the lookout for a tonic that would help him to achieve this immortality for him.  I am just hoping that it wasn’t any of his tonics that were suddenly poisonous, therefore leading to his death. I believe that It’s said everything happens for a reason. I loved my dad and I want him to rest in peace.

    Xian Hong:  Wow that’s deep, My last question is what are you going to change from what your dad did into what you want to change for China?

    Fu Su:  Honestly, I don’t know what I want to do yet.  I mean, he just died last night.  I want to spend time with my brothers and sisters and my many nephews nieces and all my family.  But the main goal I can see for myself is to continue to unify China.  To let there be one writing system, one weights and measures, for instance would make trading for goods and materials for all communities easier and less confusing.

    Xian Hong:  Thank you Emperor Fu Su so much.  I know it’s hard at a time like this, but the people have a right to exactly how you plan to rule the country now that your father is dead.  Additionally, I hope those who are investigating your father’s death find out what the real cause of his death was from.   I’m sorry for your loss. This is Xian Hong signing out.



Ancient World.com.  Emperor Qin.  January 15, 2012

www. wikipedia.org.  Emperor Qin.  January 28, 2012

Zawiza, Karen.  Classroom sites.  Ancient China.com.  January, 2012